How To Grow And Care | Polka Dot Plant

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Polka dot plants have unique leaves that look great both reception and in gardens. Read on to grasp everything about Plant Care!

The design plant looks beautiful with its speckled leaves and is simple to grow as long as you recognize the proper pattern plant care. Come see!

About Plants

                                                                    Kingdom: Plantae                                                                   

Order: Lamiales

Family: Acanthaceae

Genus: Hypoestes

Species: H. phyllostachya

Binomial name: Hypoestes phyllostachya

Common Name: Flamingo-plant, Freckle Face

There are 100 varieties of pattern plants, all with different colors and patterns. The foremost popular is that the pink pattern thanks to the striking pattern of spray-painting pink splashes on the green leaves.One element of its name refers to the leaf spike, which in Latin refers to the sharp edges of oval-shaped leaves.

Best  forms of  Polka Dot Plants

  • ‘Carmina’: has dark green and red-spotted leaves
  • ‘Confetti’: offers green leaves with spots of white, pink, rose, red, or burgundy
  • ‘Pink Brocade’: features green leaves with mottled pink spots
  • ‘Splash’ series: boasts leaves in mixes of greens with splotches of pinks, reds, or whites

Polka Dot Plant Propagation

Two of  the foremost  common ways to grow polka dot plants are seeds and cuttings.  to save lots of  time and ensure positive propagation, always  choose  the ‘cuttings’ method. 

  • Cut off a piece of the plant’s stem but at least a 2- to 4-inch piece is ideal.

  • Cover the cutting with clear plastic wrap until the stem develops leaves or other growth. This may take from several weeks to several months.
  • If rooting in a jar of water, maintain the water level by adding water as the water evaporates. Every other week, change the water completely to prevent the growth of bacteria or algae, until the root reaches 2 inches long. It may take two weeks or several months for the root to grow to about 2 inches. Then you will transplant it into the pot.
  • To check if the cutting has taken root, pull it gently to see if the cutting has rooted in the soil.
  • Using a spray bottle, water the cutting well and keep the pot where it can get bright, indirect light.

Polka Dot Plant Growing Requirements



The Freckle Face plant prefers well-draining soil, which, like other houseplants, is rich in organic nutrients. You’ll select an honest quality, all-purpose potting mix for this. If you’re using garden soil, don’t forget to add some pumice stone or perlite to improve drainage.


Choose the placement for the plant wisely an excessive amount of light can discolor the intense spots on the leaves, and an excessive amount of shade can cause the plant to lose its vigor. When growing it indoors, it might be beneficial to put it near a window facing east or south. Ensure the plant is not exposed to harsh afternoon sun for long periods of your time.


This colorful plant grows best within the temperature range of 70°F to 80°F or 21°C to 27°C.


For best growth and color, you wish to stay the soil on the marginally moist side. However, avoid over-watering the plant. Never allow the soil to dry out completely as this will cause the plant to wither and die.

The best way to observe is to keep an eye on the soil above, every 2-3 days checking with your finger . If it feels a little dry to the touch, it’s time to water the plant. Also, reduce the watering rate in winter.



Polka dot plant prefers moist conditions. Mist the leaves or place the container on top of a tray full of pebbles and water. It requires a humidity level of 50%.

Pot Size

Choose any medium-sized pot that’s about 6-8 inches wide and deep. Ensure it’s drainage holes within the bottom. The plant also looks amazing in a window.

Polka dot Plant Care



Trim dead stems and leaves from time to time to stay the plant clean and fresh. It will also facilitate your maintain its bushy and compact appearance. During the summer, the plant produces insignificant lilac flowers on spikes. Consider pinching them to assist the plant’s energy stay focused on growing its stunning leaves.


Plan to mix your plant with a balanced houseplant fertilizer, you’ll have to stay a close eye on the feeding schedule to make sure it thrives well at half strength every other week from spring to autumn. Reduce food intake to 1/4 teaspoon per plant gallon of water instead of 1/2 teaspoon.


Pests and Diseases

Beware of mealybugs, aphids, whiteflies and scales. You will use neem oil or insecticidal soap solution to urge obviate of them.

Polka Dot Plant Benefits

The most beneficial aspect of the Freckle Face plant is that it not only looks beautiful but also helps in purifying the indoor air! It is also completely non-poisonous and causes no harm to children or pets.

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